Monitoring logistical data
IDEA makes full use of all the data of your logistical chain to improve efficiency, from monitoring to preventive action.

Business Intelligence by IDEA to boost your performance
Business intelligence lets you improve the productivity of your teams. The most relevant information is automatically provided.
- Focus on high added-value tasks
- Increasing operating efficiency
- Generating gains in performance
IDEA transforms your data into actions, while adapting to your level of progress in monitoring your data. By identifying weaknesses we optimise production. The aim is to accelerate and improve decision-making by defining new strategies. A method applicable to any type of industrial product: raw materials, semi-finished products, subassemblies etc.
This concerns our capacity to aggregate all our customer, supplier and subcontractor data within our Digital Factory offer to ensure the best management of your supply-chain.
IDEA is an independent and non-transferable company; we are a trusted third party able to aggregate sensitive data in complete security and confidentiality. With our Digital Factory, you avoid excess costs related to the storage of unnecessary data. By consolidating your data, information is written just once. Customer tools and IDEA tools inter-communicate and speak the same language.
Data is valorised in 4 steps applicable to all Digital Factory services
By working together over the long term to reach a common objective, IDEA’s Digital Factory will valorise all the data of your supply chain to optimise its operation: from the best visibility to its optimisation.
By valorising your data, according to your needs, we can provide a 4-level service offering:
- Monitor, consolidate and share the data of all the players of your supply chain
- Obtain a quick and accurate reading of the causes of incidents to take corrective measures: logistical resilience by IDEA
- Disseminate trends and customised analyses to anticipate problems and seize opportunities
- Identify emerging deviations on key data and propose preventive measures
IDEA’s Digital Factory has 6 pillars
The Digital Factory is founded on a classification of data according to 6 value offerings.

Our capacity to aggregate all data from suppliers, customers and sub-contractors is your guarantee of optimal supply chain management.
We analyse these data using master data software programs that enable us to provide the decisional information tailored to the needs of your supply chain via a personalised dashboard allowing a quick and accurate reading of the causes of events.
It is thus possible for the different players of the supply chain to make the right decisions at the right time and to check the effectiveness of their applications.
IDEA uses product tracking to monitor progress through the stages of your supply chain. Article or container tracking makes it possible to verify the overall efficiency of your supply chain and optimise your search times. These actions are designed to reduce transit time and container purchases.
IDEA can enable you to ensure the reliability of your supply chain in real time by providing accurate flow mapping.
IDEA's inventory management gives you the opportunity to streamline your in-process inventory, so you have the right products in the right quantities in the right place.
This optimised management will enable you to meet your production deadlines and consolidate your cash flow while minimising your buffer stock.
Due to our good knowledge of our customers’ recurrent consumption we can set up regular rounds to the workstation with a cart containing the most often used consumables.
The digitisation of your products provides information on their overall dimensions enabling you to optimise costs over the entire supply chain (storage, packaging and transport) and to detect errors or particularly complex parts.
This process will also be used to offer custom-shaped packaging to protect your fragile products or enhance your luxury products.
We can offer a predictive maintenance schedule tailored to the effective use of your tools, based on knowledge of their entry and withdrawal from the storage warehouse, on an analysis of their maintenance and lifespan. We can also advise on the selection of a product supplier in consideration of tool use.
Damien BAGOT, Business intelligence manager
"Thanks to Business Intelligence (BI), we have the capacity to consolidate your data to extract their real value and set up a complete digital offering. In other words, valorising all the data of your supply chain for improved overall management, going from simple data monitoring to the proposal of preventive actions. Today, thanks to all the data handled, we are capable of drawing up an intelligent dashboard providing you with useful and reliable information in real time."
Logistical applications by IDEA
IDEA develops its own trade applications for more reactivity and agility.
- MyWay
MyWay is a tracking tool that monitors the progress of a customer project.
- MyRoad
MyRoad is a tool that monitors IDEA’s transport activity in real time.
- MyPack
MyPack is an industrial packaging request application.
- SmartPack
SmartPack is a connected packaging tracking system. This system is composed of a multi-measurement unit secured directly to the package. The measurements are forward in real time to a secure web hub with multi-user access customer-side.
- MyReport
MyReport is the application that is used to manage business intelligence by IDEA.