Life Cycle Management
With IDEA keep your products in operating condition as long as possible thereby improving your environmental efficiency.

Make the most of IDEA's expertise in spare part management, TLS and ROM, keeping your products in optimal operational condition for as long as possible and boosting your environmental efficiency.
- - Managing spare parts
- Quality control, NDT, tests
- Customer centre
- Version management
- Compatibility and compliance matrix
- Advance standard sharing
- Repairs and related flows
- Preventive maintenance management (spare kits)
reverse logistics by idea
Have your products reached their end-of-life? IDEA supports you in the transition from the conventional “linear” economy to a circular economy.
- Organisation of the value chain
- Collection logistics
- Deconstruction
- Refurbishing
- Recycling
- Targeting the environmental efficiency of the chain
reverse logistics, seen by :
Bruno MAHÉO, Key Accounts Manager
“The IDEA group positions itself as a catalyst of initiatives and developer of energies.
Carrying out an active watch on all subjects related to environmental performance, we support our customers in optimizing the product life cycle, a growing concern in the industry. Our objective is above all to build efficient and sustainable supply chains, to put manufacturers in contact with each other in order to find solutions for their entire market with them. Construction and civil engineering are a significant example of the opportunities opened up by these new models: reverse logistics is thus becoming a key element of the circular economy for manufacturers in the sector.”